Selected pictures relating to Cleveland, Ohio's "Sidaway Avenue Suspension Bridge", which I took in Cleveland, Ohio on Aug. 27, 29 and 30, 2011 are included below, with my original numberings for them (sb 5, 6 etc.).
The first pictures below were taken Sat., Aug. 27, 2011....
sb5 - SB just barely visible as one turns the corner from 65th St going north to Sidaway Ave going east; this view represents nearly the first time I ever saw the bridge from within one of its neighborhood settings
sb7 - Sth pier near the center; lkg ne from Sdway Ave
sb8 - tires in rdway, lkg e on Sdway; SB s pier just above center of pic
sb9 - S pier from Sdway very near 67th
sb10 - S pier from vacant parcel to its SW
sb16 - S pier to top of photo, N pier in dstnc
sb17 - close-up on kudzu on S. pier
sb19 - underside of SB walkway area from its s side
sb22 - underside of walkway area, close-up of a cable [from s side again]
sb24 - S pier and street signs
sb26 - S. "slope" of SB and bad condition of roadway of 67th St just below it
sb29 - looking n on 67th from about one block s of SB
sb32 - Lou, an area resident who lives two blocks s of SB, and S pier behind him
sb34 - Derek Scott, an area employee, @ Z's counter, 65th very close to Waterman
sb36 - Andre Taylor on Butler near 64th
sb40 - DeAndre Taylor on Butler near 64th
sb44 - Joyce Hairston on Butler betw 61st and 64th
The following pics were taken on Mon., Aug. 29, 2011....
sb46 - Rhashied Patterson, an area employee, @ Garden Valley branch of Cleveland Public Library
sb47 - "Lower Kinsman Corridor / New Sustainable Developments" - chart in foyer of BBC hq
sb49 - Donald Williamson outside of Harvest Day Care Center, 7109 Kinsman
sb50 - Judith Johnson outside of Harvest Day Care Center, 7109 Kinsman
sb54 - N and S piers from N side of SB
sb59 - N pier to right but mostly kudzu or the like in pic
sb62 - N pier in background from N. side of SB
sb66 - SB showing deck to some extent, from N side
sb70 - Davida Burns, a Heritage View resident

sb73 - Harvest Day Care Center, close-up with bowling pins near the top of its facade
sb76 - clock at NE cor., 72nd and Kinsman, @ Bridgeport Place
The following pics were taken on Tues., Aug. 30, 2011....
sb79 - CMHA hq
sb80 - a Garden Valley bldg @ the SW cor., 79th & Kinsman
sb81 - Heritage View bldgs on the 7000 block of Kinsman
sb82 - Greg Wallace at his home near 68th & Kinsman
sb86 - SB from Kinsman & Sidaway looking S.
sb87 - Anita Gibson in her home at Heritage View with her nephew Diloreon
sb88 - Tiffany, a friend of Anita Gibson's, with Anita's relatives Diloreon (at left) and De'yvion
sb89 - Arline Dye at her home on Colfax near 72nd
sb91 - looking W on Colfax from across from 7111 Colfax or thereabouts
sb92 - Mr. Hero Express on the E. side of 55th and the S. side of Kinsman
sb94 - St. Hyacinth Church bldg, on the s side of Francis and the east side of 61st
sb98 - looking towards bridge, barely visible as per instrux in text of my forthcoming blog :)!